由 Ullr AI 实验室荣誉出品

关于 PixMiller


将 AI 作为工具

我们利用 AI 解决人们的问题,让他们不再执行无聊和重复的任务,从而有更多的时间去思考有趣的想法,做更有趣和富有创意的事情,与家人共度时光等。

人人都应使用 AI

AI 已成为一种很好的工具,但它不应仅被少数人使用。因此,优秀的 AI 工具应广泛传播,以相对较低的价格提供给人们。


We believe that AI is to make complex things simple. As we all know, in most scenarios, AI requires complex algorithms and lots of data for training and tuning, and once the models and results are made available for production environment, then things become simple; there are many simple process-oriented things in human's daily work and life, and finding and using AI to solve relevant scenarios will bring good results, such as the thing which PixMiller does.